It is amazing how we get stuck in the same rut without thinking
through all of the choices available to us. The video “Broken Escalator” is a
perfect example of this.
They both appear to suffer from a state of cognitive
distortion. They cannot believe that they are stuck on the escalator, a major
snag in the day to be trapped with no escape. No one is in sight to appeal to
for help. They must wait until they are saved. They let go of optimism when the
repair guy also gets stuck on a different escalator.
This is not a psychologically healthy
attitude. They could find an alternate solution, yet they are trapped within
their own psyche. It is much better to search for alternative solutions than to
give up!
See, but eventually the escalator will be fixed, so it's better to just wait and do nothing while others fix it for you. Always take the path of least effort.