Monday, July 1, 2013

Healthy Choices by AndreaD

Welcome! I am starting this blog as I develop healthy living choices.
I am studying mechanical engineering. I am interested in helping our society embrace more efficient forms of energy. I feel it is important to first, keep our bodies healthy, and second to keep our planet healthy. 


  1. Hi Andrea,

    I love that you are into renewable energy. I look forward to your participation during our environmental health section!
    Welcome to Health 100! I truly hope you enjoy our 6-week journey to health and wellness. I look forward to seeing this blog grow with all of the healthy living activities that you will be posting. If you would like to share what you learn with your friends and family you could link this site to your social networks!
    If you need help remember I have tutorials posted on my blog:
    Cheers to Health!
    -Professor Falcone

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