Monday, July 29, 2013

The Immune System

How does psychological wellness affect the immune system?
In the Psychological Journal, The Immune System as a Sensory System: Implications for Psychology, they state that the brain and immune system are connected. They both function with each other. This means that the immune system can be influenced by and on psychological processes. In the journal they state, “Recent work shows that the products of immune cells released in response to infection and tissue injury potently alter neural activity, thereby regulating behavior, mood, and cognition.” This network illuminates psychological effects. Within hours these processes affect each other. They also state, “It is important to understand that these changes are adaptive responses that promote recovery from infection, and not reflections of weaknesses produced by illness”.  There is a direct link to the immune system and psychological wellness through proteins called Cytokines. They transmit information to the brain, and it responds accordingly. It has been found that the immune system and stressors behave in similar fashions. They both activate the sympathetic nervous system, and behave in similar ways such as eliciting restraint.

Since our fight or flight responses need certain systems to properly function, some need to be shut down to deal with the stressor that triggers it. In the journal, Current Directions in Psychological Science, they take a look at how stress affects the immune system. Depending on the circumstance, these two systems work together to respond to the threat. It is a balancing act of sorts. In the journal they state “Exposure to stressful experiences can diminish a variety of immune functions”. The lymphocytes are affected and thereby cause a reduction in immune responses. It has also been found that stress can induce a psychological state. Among laboratory animals, depressive behaviors were cataloged after stress was introduced. The system can become damaged with too much stress. They say, “For example, evidence suggests that chronic exposure to stressors or distress can cause atrophy in a part of the brain called the hippocampus, resulting in memory loss. Chronic exposure to stressful circumstances has also been shown to increases vulnerability to upper respiratory infections in individuals exposed to a virus”.

Psychological wellness has an effect on the immune system. In fact, they are linked together and work with each other to deal with life. When we are under psychological stress, many immune functions can be weakened. It pays to stay psychologically healthy! 

1 comment:

  1. People need to stop being babies and take their Tylenol. They get caught up in the rat race and lose sight of the big picture: Bacon Sundaes. They put mother flipping bacon in some mother flipping sundae. Literally, everything wrong with the world, be it world hunger, pollution, violence, etc., has already been solved. However, people have their heads stuck up so far in their rear ends that they can't pull out and see it.
